Saturday, August 7, 2010

Don’t Let Your House Spend Your Money While You Go on Vacation!

Here's a past blog that I thought very appropriate as some will still be vacationing this month:
It’s true, you’re house can spend your money even when left quietly alone with nothing being used. All those appliances even when not in use, are often still using a bit of electricity. That water heater? What do you think its doing while you’re soaking up the rays? It’s sitting there on guard ready as ever for someone to need some hot water. That means your hot water heater is using energy to keep the stored water, HOT and ready, even when you know you won’t be using it for a week.

So I suggest you take a little tour around your home before leaving for some time- such as a summer vacation. Unplug the items that will serve no purpose- ie. don’t unplug the fridge or lights that you want to stay on a timer to make it appear you are home in the evenings. Otherwise, unplug the lamp and toaster…

We’ve talked about lowering the setting on the water heater already, but if you’re heading out for a week, lower it all the way. It can easily be readjusted upon your return.

Then relax and enjoy your time away, knowing your home isn’t eating away at your souvenir budget.

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