Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Prepare Those Veggies Ahead

Having trouble finding the time and enthusiasm to add in more veggies at dinner?  Decide what's really stopping you.  Is it the time of prep work?  Is it not knowing how to prepare them?  Is it that you think the kids won't like them?  Decide and conquer.  Your kids will get used to seeing more veggies at the dinner table, and setting a couple expectations isn't too much to ask.  Have them at least try one etc.  -eventually they'll be second nature- especially the younger you start them on veggies in the first place!  Do it because you know its good for the whole family.
If you feel that you don't know how to prepare a certain vegetable, you've got options!  Message me and I'll answer, check out my other veggie blogs, and search on the Internet.  Not to mention those cookbooks you may already have.
Prep work got you down after work?  Do the prepping ahead!  I've been in that boat.  I get lazy too and decide to skip the carrots just because I don't feel like peeling and cutting them.  If you prepare veggies when you DO have time- make a block of time on the weekends for dinner prep- then they'll be SO much easier to grab and add.  You'll get the most out of this if you're also doing your meal planning ahead of time.  Then you'll know what prep work you need for the recipes.  If nothing else though, you'll be preparing veggies for easier consumption including snacks and for packing lunches!

We'll talk soon about some vegetable options and how to have them ready to add in to any recipe.

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