Monday, February 14, 2011

Turn on the Cold

Freeze up those veggies before they go bad!  Keeping an eye on veggies in the fridge before they turn on you can not only save you money, but help you provide prepared vegetables to add to all kinds of dishes.  I've recently blogged about preparing veggies ahead of time, but that can include simple prep work and freezing as well if they still aren't suiting your week's recipe plans.  During the summer, we had an overabundance of zucchini just from my parents small garden.  I ended up shredding much of it and freezing it, not having any plan for what it was going to become in the future.  But I've found that adding that zucchini makes things more flavorful and moist, without even a hint of zucchini flavor itself!  So those with very particular "no green foods by choice" diets (hopefully not your kids) won't even suspect.  I added it to soups, a great Mexican manicotti recipe I tried out, and- my new favorite success, to some meatballs!  They added some perfect moisture to the meat without weighing them down with too much "other stuff"- still leaving it flavored only by the beef. 
So do, plan ahead, prep in advance too, but don't let those veggies beat you.  Get 'em before it's too late.

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