Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Children's Orchard (Pick Some Clothes!)

If you've got kids, then you've probably not only got an endless need for new clothes that fit, but also  a growing pile of clothes that no longer fit. Hand-me-downs within the family are obviously a good idea when they work, but those families that it doesn't apply to may not have figured out other options. Having a kind friend willing to save clothes for your child from their older child is great, but not something you have control over and doesn't always happen when you need it to. There are other options though.
I'm sure some of our readers can comment on great places/ideas in their neck of the woods for you, but around here, I've discovered (and used over and over) a store called Children's Orchard. This is where regular people like you and I can not only shop for clothes that are usually used, but still in good condition, but also... sell the used clothes that are outgrown(and other items). This store gives a bigger percentage if you take store credit, which I always do so I can purchase new items that we need without spending. They also have coupons and special "mom" nights if you sign up for their club. Do a little digging on the Internet, look for advertisements, and ask around... there may be a gold mine of savings near you too!

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